Sunday, 14 August 2011


 M.V; Jam4:3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spent it on your pleasure.
Last week we studied about Quiet time. Today we are going to see reasons why so many prayer were not answered. Some of the reasons are:-

1)    FAITH  Heb.11:6, Mk.9:23, Matt.21:21-22

Is not enough to pray but to have faith that your prayers has been answered. The book of Hebrew 11:6 makes it clear that without faith it is impossible to receive from God. The principle is believe before you receive. The word of God is true and cannot be broken whatsoever you ask in prayer believe, you will have it. Christianity  is a journey of faith but we know our God never fail. Doubt is a sign of unbelief and it cannot produce any answer. Jam.1:6-7

2)     FORGIVENESS Matt.5:23-23, Matt.6:14-15

Unforgiveness is a great tool in the hand of the devil to hinder our prayers. For your own sake and for your prayers to be answered by God, even for you to be forgiven, forgive those that have offended you. In Matt.5:23-24, it says when you bring your offering to God and remember that somebody offended you, not you offended him forgive so as to have your offering acceptable by God. Most of us have people, we don’t even greet. Forgive them and your heavenly father will forgive you. These follows you when you forgive
a)     You will be forgiven
b)    Your sacrifice or gift/offering will be acceptable by God
c)     Your prayers will not be hindered
So to forgive others is to your own advantage. Read Matt.18:21-35

3)     SIN Isa.59:1-4, Jam.4:17, Pro.28:13, Rom.1:29-31, 1Tim.1:9-11

Sin is mans disobedient to the word of God and it posses a great hindrance to our prayers. Without sin devil have no right in our lives. A true confession of a lady that was delivered from the power of darkness describes sins as devil property. And where his property is he has access to it. Sin hinders our prayer.Isa.59:1-4 says God’s hand is not short that He cannot save us or His ear dull that He cannot hear our prayers but sin has caused a separation. Sin, not devil or witch or wizard. Not even government or individual can stop our prayers or separate us from God.  Lets confess our sins and not only confessing but turning away from them. Then we have forgiveness and nothing can stop our prayers anymore. Only Jesus can forgive sins go to Him today in humility and He will forgive you and bless you. 2Cor.7:14


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