Sunday, 14 August 2011

Church Inauguration of Galilee Christian Center Int'l


1)Obedience 1Sam.15:22-23
Obedience to the word of God is a secret to prosperity and answered prayers. Permit me to say here that every blessing of the word of God is conditional, when you meet the condition no power can stop your blessing. There are a lot of commands in the bible. The day we begin to obey them, we will be entitled to the blessing attached to them. Some of the examples are in Deut.28: 1-14 , Heb.10:25 , etc.

2)Pay Your Vows Ecc.5:1-6
Vow is an oath or covenant made to God, and is binding on us. It’s dangerous to vow without fulfilling it. Many of us vow several times to serve God, do one thing or other but have disappointed. It is a dangerous sin before God, repent of it today. Either to God or man redeem your vows and never delay it. Pro.20:25.

3)Be A Giver Lk.6:38 , Gal.6:7
The scripture cannot be broken. Jn.10:35 The only way to receive or have financial breakthrough is by being a giver. Give and shall be given to you and not pray it shall be given to you. Praying and fasting cannot take the place of giving, prayer is like clearing the bush and preparing the land for planting or sowing, so without sowing any seed you cannot harvest rather the land will become bushy again. We have prayed a lot it is time to sow and that is by being a giver. What you sow is what you will reap. 2Cor.9:6 The more you sow the more you reap according to your seed. Change your giving habit if you want a change in your financial life. We buy drinks for RM10-20 and buy for friends also but we give God RM1.00. Some reserve money for smoking but no money for offering. The Holy Spirit wants us to change our giving habit of RM1.00 or at most RM5.00 for our breakthrough. If you are not having money God knows your heart, only pray and tell God to bless you so as to give unto Him.

4)Tithe Mal.3:8-10
Tithe paying is the acid test of our faith it is different to offering. Tithe is God’s money in your hand, how do you feel when you do business with somebody and he ate all the money so it is to God when you eat His tithe. Tithe is ten percent of you income it belongs to God it is compulsory and must be paid fully don’t pay half and claim you have paid tithe. I look forward the day I will pay millions of ringgit as tithe. Stop cutting your breakthrough by reducing your tithe. The secret of prosperity is in paying of all your tithe, sowing seed, give a good offering, helping the poor, orphan and the widows, above all give to men of God and the windows of heaven will be open unto you .


1)   Ignorance of the word of God  Hosea 4:6, Gal.4: 1
If you do not know the word of God you won’t know what to pray. Simply put, prayer is returning Gods word back to Him. Jer.1:12 God say He is watching over His word to perform it. The word of God is our evidence. When we quote the scripture God will honor His word. Study the word today and be a new man.

2)   Faith without work Jam.2:14-26
Christian is an ambassador of Christ called to do the work of God here on earth. Is not what will God do for me, but what can I do for God. The bible say if you have faith as a mustard seed, but even if your faith as big as a mountain without work is dead. If I may ask you since this year what have you done for God? How many lives have you affected? How many people have you brought to the church? What is your work in the church? What area are you contributing to the growth of the church (spiritually, materially or financially) Be a blessing to the church from today and God will take care of you. Jn.15:1-2

3)   Praying Amiss Jam.4:3
What is your motive as you ask God to bless you? To teach others lessons, to humiliate others, oppress the poor and the widows, to close bars and restaurant, clubbing? Etc. God knows your heart change your mind and your thought, have a new vision today to be a blessing to others, if God bless you. Let your eyes be open to the needs of the poor, church and missionaries and the God of heaven will bless you.

4)     Thanksgiving Jn.6:1-13 , Pslm.67:3-7 , 1 Thes.5:18 , Rom.8:28 , Num.11:1
Thank Him for the little that you might have plenty, thank Him for where you are that He might take you to your next level, thank Him for today that you may have tomorrow. Whatever you cannot thank Him for can never increase. Murmuring and complaining will bring destruction, only what you thank Him for has future. Live the life of thanksgiving and you will prosper.



 M.V; Jam4:3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spent it on your pleasure.
Last week we studied about Quiet time. Today we are going to see reasons why so many prayer were not answered. Some of the reasons are:-

1)    FAITH  Heb.11:6, Mk.9:23, Matt.21:21-22

Is not enough to pray but to have faith that your prayers has been answered. The book of Hebrew 11:6 makes it clear that without faith it is impossible to receive from God. The principle is believe before you receive. The word of God is true and cannot be broken whatsoever you ask in prayer believe, you will have it. Christianity  is a journey of faith but we know our God never fail. Doubt is a sign of unbelief and it cannot produce any answer. Jam.1:6-7

2)     FORGIVENESS Matt.5:23-23, Matt.6:14-15

Unforgiveness is a great tool in the hand of the devil to hinder our prayers. For your own sake and for your prayers to be answered by God, even for you to be forgiven, forgive those that have offended you. In Matt.5:23-24, it says when you bring your offering to God and remember that somebody offended you, not you offended him forgive so as to have your offering acceptable by God. Most of us have people, we don’t even greet. Forgive them and your heavenly father will forgive you. These follows you when you forgive
a)     You will be forgiven
b)    Your sacrifice or gift/offering will be acceptable by God
c)     Your prayers will not be hindered
So to forgive others is to your own advantage. Read Matt.18:21-35

3)     SIN Isa.59:1-4, Jam.4:17, Pro.28:13, Rom.1:29-31, 1Tim.1:9-11

Sin is mans disobedient to the word of God and it posses a great hindrance to our prayers. Without sin devil have no right in our lives. A true confession of a lady that was delivered from the power of darkness describes sins as devil property. And where his property is he has access to it. Sin hinders our prayer.Isa.59:1-4 says God’s hand is not short that He cannot save us or His ear dull that He cannot hear our prayers but sin has caused a separation. Sin, not devil or witch or wizard. Not even government or individual can stop our prayers or separate us from God.  Lets confess our sins and not only confessing but turning away from them. Then we have forgiveness and nothing can stop our prayers anymore. Only Jesus can forgive sins go to Him today in humility and He will forgive you and bless you. 2Cor.7:14


Tuesday, 31 May 2011


                  THEME:   SHOWERS OF BLESSING
TEXT: Num. 14: 28, Ezek. 37: 1-14, Pro. 18: 21, Job.22: 27-28
               Matt. 18: 18-20, Rom. 4: 17

Praise and worship
1.    Thank God for all the answered prayers
2.    Confess your sin before God
3.    I prophecy every dry bone in my life to receive life in Jesus name
4.    Prophecy to your finance
5.    Prophecy to your life in Malaysia
6.    Prophecy to your health and business
7.    Pass a decree, I must make it this year in the name of Jesus
8.    I decree and declare open doors that can never be closed by any man or woman
9.    In the name of Jesus I reverse every curse and curses upon my life by any man or woman in Jesus name
10.           I reverse every idle words I spoke into Malaysia
11.           I decree and declare Malaysia as my promised land and must      favor me in Jesus name
12.           I command the wealth in Malaysia to locate me
13.           I reverse every curse I place upon myself knowingly or unknowingly in Jesus name
14.           I decree and prophecy this month of June is my month of celebration
15.           In the name of Jesus from today I begin to shine in every area of my life
16.           I command riches, prosperity, wealth from the east, west, north and south to locate my in Jesus name
17.           From today money is my servant in Jesus name
18.           It is well with me, it is well with my family, it is well with my finance it is well with my business  in the name of Jesus
19.           I command and prophecy international open doors in Jesus name
20.           I prophecy great increase numerically, financially and materially to this church in Jesus name
21.           We decree and declare and prophecy millionaires from this church in Jesus name
22.           I declare no power can stop me in Jesus name
23.           In the name of Jesus, every power from the sun from the air, moon and star working against me, I bind them and overthrow them in   Jesus name
24.           Every power from the sea, or marine spirit working  against me, I bind them and cast them out of my life in Jesus name
25.           Every evil covenant I entered with the devil knowingly or unknowingly , either by my parents or for-father today in the name of Jesus I brake them and set myself free in Jesus name
26.           Every spirit of failure and disappointment I cast you out of my life in Jesus name
27.           In the name of Jesus I unluck myself, my destiny, my finance, my money and prosperity by fire, by force
28.           In the name of Jesus I command the heavens to release my blessing in Jesus name
29.           I command in the name of Jesus my helper to locate me in Jesus name
30.           I will be the head and not he tail, I must succeed, I must make it, I will reign I am lifted never to be down again, I enjoy open doors and open heaven from today, I am blessed and never to be cursed, I must be great, I must excel, I must bear fruit, I will inherit my inheritance, I am here to prosper and no power can stop me. What ever stop others can never stop me, whatever I lay my hand from today must prosper because the Lord is my shepherd. I am blessed in the morning, blessed in the afternoon, blessed at night. Thank you Father for blessing me in Jesus name. Amen.
31.           Cover yourself and the prayers with the blood of Jesus
32.           Begin to thank God for your breakthrough
                     WORSHIP WITH US AND BE BLESSED


TEXT: EX 2: 23, EX 23: 25-28, PS 56: 9, 
           MAT 7: 7-11,  HEB 4: 16


1.    Thank God because He has answered part one of this  prayer.
2.    Thank Him for working out your miracles
3.    Confess and forsake your sin
4.    Convert every failure in my life to success and every disappointment to appointment
5.    Oh Lord take me to the higher level in life in Jesus name
6.    Command the riches in this land of Malaysia to locate you in Jesus name
7.    Oh God bless me as you bless Joseph in a foreign land in Jesus name
8.    Lord God according to your word, make me the head and not the tail.
9.    Father Lord let the blessing of Abraham locate me in Jesus name. 10. Oh Lord shower me with your blessing
  11. Oh Lord release all the heavenly blessings upon my life in  
         Jesus name.
  12. Covenant   keeping God I enter into a covenant with you today   
            to serve   you in Jesus name
  13. Covenant keeping God I must make it in Jesus name
14.     Oh Lord is  my turn to be blessed
15.     Pray for the anointing of prosperity upon you
16.     Pray for financial promotion
17.     Ask the Lord to bless the  works  of your hand
18.     Pray for financial blessing upon every member of the church
19.     Stand against every power  opposory  the work of God in your life
20.     Pray and cast away every unfriendly friend in your life
21.     Break every barrier to your financial blessing
22.     Stand  against every devourer in your life
23.     Command total healing to every sickness in your life
24.     Bind and cast out every familiar spirit
25.     Break every covenant with  the devil knowingly or unknowingly against your life
26.     Any man or woman planning evil against me and my family receive  the judgmental fire of the Holy Ghost
27.     The blood of Jesus mingle with fire fight for me in Jesus name
28.     Oh Lord raise millionaires among us in Jesus name
29.     Cover all the prayers with the blood of Jesus
30.     Thank God for answered prayers.